What the Grace of God Teaches Us

By Marvin Duncan Titus 2:11-13 Every Pastor wants his congregation to live their Christian life free from the stains of sin. Some Pastors, thinking to protect their flock, set forth a list of activities that are forbidden for his congregation. His message becomes...

Grace – What Is It?

By Marvin Duncan 2 Samuel Chapter Nine  As we read the Epistles of the Apostle Paul, we read time and time again about the grace of God.  Paul calls this age in which we live the “dispensation of the Grace of God” (Eph. 3:2). Paul is spoken of as the...

Of The Rapture : The When (Part 2)

1 Thessalonians Chapter four establishes the fact of the Rapture.  Now 1 Thessalonians Chapter five documents the when of the Rapture. Premillenarians have often disagreed and debated the “when” of the Rapture. The three most common viewpoints that compete for...

Of The Rapture : The Fact (Part 1)

The Rapture of the Church is called “the Blessed Hope!” “Why?” you ask. Because, in the words of the song writer:  “One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase…when we see Christ.”  Furthermore, it is the believer’s only hope of deliverance from the...

Personal Savior, A

By Marvin Duncan As a young Christian, I often wondered why God would become a man and die for me. I knew God loved His creation and wanted to save it from eternal judgment, but I kept asking myself, “Can there be more to God’s plan than just to save man...

A-B-C’s of Dispensationalism, The

By J.C. O’Hair “All Scripture is God-breathed.” THE DISPENSATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION (2 Timothy 2:15). Every true Christian believes in the verbal inspiration of the Bible; not only some of Bible, but all of the Bible. But all...