Personal Savior, A

By Marvin Duncan As a young Christian, I often wondered why God would become a man and die for me. I knew God loved His creation and wanted to save it from eternal judgment, but I kept asking myself, “Can there be more to God’s plan than just to save man...

A-B-C’s of Dispensationalism, The

By J.C. O’Hair “All Scripture is God-breathed.” THE DISPENSATIONAL PRINCIPLE OF INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION (2 Timothy 2:15). Every true Christian believes in the verbal inspiration of the Bible; not only some of Bible, but all of the Bible. But all...

Lord Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul

By J.C. O’Hair Saul of Tarsus hated the Lord Jesus Christ as few men have ever hated Him. After Saul was converted he became the Apostle Paul. He then loved and served the Lord Jesus Christ as did no other man (1 Cor. 15:10). Something of Paul’s affection...

Holy Warfare of the Saints

By Harry Bultema When God said at Eden’s gate, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed,” He thereby had given the cause of holy warfare on the part of His people. All through the ages His people have acknowledged this. The...

God’s Investment in Christians

By J.C. O’Hair (The Church, God’s Purchased Possession to be Presented by Christ to Himself, not your own, bought with a price.)  As we search the Scriptures to learn what the Holy Spirit has revealed to us concerning God’s investment in Christians, let’s keep...